Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: No date
Description: Sepia image. Reverse reads: Only pure Bd paddock in New Zealand. 10 miles north of Winta Sd [sic] 23 consecutive hay crops in 25 years. Hay can seed crop fed from stack to cattle after threshing....
Size of original: 8.5 cm (H) X 15 cm (W)
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: No date
Description: Sepia image. Reverse reads: Tutira - Note Tutira faces on junction. Limestone papa - Frequent pumice an papa now in dairy pasture. Papa rock, a Māori-derived term for a blue-grey mudstone common...
Size of original: 11.5 cm (H) X 15 cm (W)
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: No date
Description: Sepia image. Reverse reads: Fallen trees - re mound [sic] formation in paddocks. Otaki stoney country.
Size of original: 10 cm (H) X 14.5 cm (W)
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: 1969
Description: B&W graph shows hillside paddocks (unidentified location) in improved and unimproved states during a time period ranging from 1952-1969. Improved land has been modified and managed for greater ag...
Size of original: 18 cm (H) X 14 cm (W)
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: No date
Description: B&W image shows the paddocks of the Gore Research Station, [DSIR] Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.
Size of original: 11.5 cm (H) X 17.5 cm (W)
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: No date
Description: Colour image shows a group of black and white cows standing in a paddock at an unknown New Zealand location. In the lower right corner of the image a wire cage is seen protecting an area of grass.
Size of original: 9 cm (H) X 11 cm (W)
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: No date
Description: B&W image shows a paddock with three cows grazing. The background has fences and further paddocks. Taken at an unidentified New Zealand location.
Size of original: 11 cm (H) X 8 cm (W)
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: March 1977
Description: Colour image shows a paddock holding several wire cages that are protecting sections of grass in a paddock at an unidentified Levin location. A long white building is shown in the background.
Size of original: 9 cm (H) X 11 cm (W)
Series: Dairy farm at Levin
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: circa 1942
Description: B&W image shows a covered haystack in a paddock at an unidentified New Zealand location. The paddock is now in an ideal condition for topdressing.
Size of original: 5 cm (H) X 5 cm (W)
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: 1980-02-28
Description: B&W image shows sheep in a paddock to the left of the image, and to the right we see three scientists in a neighbouring paddock, testing for nitrogen fixation in soil samples.
Size of original: 18 cm (H) X 24.5 cm (W)
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: circa 1935
Description: Sepia image shows a circular concrete ensilage pit 18 feet in diameter and 22 feet deep. At the side entrance can be seen two large butrices 6 feet across. The grass is put in from the top and in...
Size of original: 8 cm (H) X 5 cm (W)
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: 1983-11-26
Description: Colour image taken at the Tara Hills Lamb Rearing Unit, shows a close up of lambs running in a paddock.
Size of original: 9 cm (H) X 13 cm (W)
Series: Tara Hills Lamb Rearing Unit
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: 1983-11-26
Description: Colour image taken at the Tara Hills Lamb Rearing Unit, shows lambs running in a paddock.
Size of original: 9 cm (H) X 13 cm (W)
Series: Tara Hills Lamb Rearing Unit
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: July 1962
Description: B&W image shows cattle grazing a holding paddock at an unknown New Zealand location. A holding paddock is where cattle are kept on a temporary basis.
Size of original: 10 cm (H) X 12 cm (W)
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: 1st January 1970
Description: B&W image shows the treading effects by cows on a wet paddock site, identified as plot 3, block A, Taupo.
Size of original: 10 cm (H) X 15 cm (W)
Series: Pasture treading effects
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: 1st January 1970
Description: B&W image shows the treading effects by cows on a wet paddock site, identified as plot 13, block B, Manawatu district.
Size of original: 10 cm (H) X 15 cm (W)
Series: Pasture treading effects
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: September 1962
Description: B&W image shows a fore, middle and far view of pasture at an unidentified location. The fore view is untrodden pasture, the middle has had 12 cows for one day at one tenth of an acre, and the far...
Size of original: 10 cm (H) X 12.5 cm (W)
Series: Pasture treading effects
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: 1st January 1970
Description: B&W image shows the treading effects by cows on a wet paddock site, identified as plot 17, block B, Manawatu district.
Size of original: 10 cm (H) X 15 cm (W)
Series: Pasture treading effects
Format: JPG
Format: Photographic PrintInventory collection: Digitisation Drive
Date of original: July 1962
Description: B&W image shows a close up view of pasture treading by cows on a paddock of G. Gibson's at an unknown New Zealand location.
Size of original: 12 cm (H) X 10 cm (W)
Series: Pasture treading effects
Format: JPG