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Welcome to the AgResearch Digital Legacy Collection

AgResearch Limited is a leading Crown Research Institute charged with delivering science and innovation to benefit New Zealand agriculture and its wider economy.

Formed in 1992, we have a history stretching back to the beginning of the 1900’s.

This unique collection represents a small sample of photographs, documents, videos and other material that will take you on a compelling journey through the history of New Zealand's pastoral legacy, reflected in our Company, its activities, and its people.

Browse or search our stunning archive, or register and you will be able to contribute your knowledge and memories about this material.

AgResearch Limited is proud to share this rich history of New Zealand's primary industry.



Sheep at leisureFarmall model tractor making silageCow number T31Small Animal House: front viewApproach to the Farm Office, RuakuraSheep yards and pens, RuakuraScientists, 1950'sHoward Eagles measuring growing maize
Intensive mating blocks at Tara Hills - 2 of 2Construction of the Grasslands wingInvermay Farmers Conference 1970 - 9 of 9Animal Health Division Display Caravan - 4 of 14Carcass dressingDr. K. J. Mitchell - The Climate IndustryNo. 1 type willow mattress. 2. Directly after completionMafTech goats - 6 of 7Cyclists on bush trackHand topdressing at Te AwaCertified seed - 7 of 11Autoclave in Casein Laboratory, InvermayDrainage frame on an un-drained plot: close-up: image and reverse of card Plant Chemistry Laboratory - exterior - circa 1950Stabilised sandhill countryJames EvansWhanga streamRuakura - image No. 1041/51/4DSIR - Grassline - Newsletter 1Oxidation pond House on hill slopeTractor clearing scrubCam S. W. Reid, Director, Applied Biochemistry Division, DSIR. Small Animal House: front viewTaranaki - cowsRodger Claydon examining growing wheatSheep stocking rate + cattleHaycart - 1 of 2Seedmatic seed drill - 1 of 2B.E. Talboys opening the Tower Block, RuakuraThe resulting haystack after a clean up before top dressingGrasslands Ruanui perennial ryegrass (Lofium perenne L.) - S. 23 UK- comparisonWheat trial reports: Reporoa: p.18Engineering Workshop - image No. 79/60/4/AFarmer and son standing in a field - 1 of 2Venison Tasting Panel. 1. Venison Tasting Panel at InvermayWheat trial reports: Reporoa: p.10Aorangi Lowland Research StationMystery Creek - 2 of 4Dr Phil Roloston and the Honourable Bob TizardWeighing apparatus for in-field dry matter determinationSowing gully floor. 1. Seed sowingCertified seed - 6 of 11Grasslands SEFTONHudson - mowing techniqueFour sheep grazingTara Hills lamb tailing - 2 of 9Engineering Workshop - image No. 78/359/1Waiomanu hay barnSlip sowing - 3 of 5